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My Story

My journey towards Wellness began 18 years ago.

You see, I have always loved working out and ... eating, especially sweets. However, as I aged, I understood that exercise alone will not keep me fit and healthy in the long run.

I came to America 21 years ago, and noticed that food tasted differently than in my native country, Romania. I gained 30 pounds in my first year in America, despite my regular workouts. At that time, I did not know anything about genetically modified food or excitotoxins (food additives such as aspartame, MSG, food coloring, and preservatives).

I soon realized that the food I was eating contributed to my weight gain.

I started learning about food and made changes to my diet. My body changed, lost the weight, and soon enough, nutrition and health become a hobby.

My life journey also made me pay close attention to the way I deal with stress, eat, and exercise.

In 2008, I lost my mom to cancer and miscarried for the first time.

In 2010, I lost my father to cancer and miscarried the second time.

In 2012, I gave birth to a healthy boy, but after 10 months I noticed that my baby's development was different than other kids at his age.

My son started 3 types of therapies at 18 months old and was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3.

Due to my son condition, I learnt about how certain foods affect his brain, mood and behavior.

While my son was very young, I had many stomach issues related to stress and infection with H. pilory. As a result, I had to make changes to my diet. I also added some new healthy habits in order to stay healthy.

In 2017, I had my third miscarriage.

In 2018, I discovered a lump in my breast, and after multiple check ups I had my first biopsy. Thank God, the results came back negative-no cancer.

With God's help and through my faith in Him, I overcame every obstacle in my life. I believe with all my heart that our health is a gift and it is our responsibility to take care of our bodies.


Praying to God

Meditating on His Word (the Bible)

Working Out

Eating Nutritious Foods

Reducing Stress

Relaxing in the Nature

are a few Healthy Habits that helped me in my health journey.


For the last 18 years of my life, I have been studying and learning about

Nutrition, Health, Wellness, Exercise, and Psychology. I have also been reading the Bible, and changing the way I think and live according to what God says in the Bible.

It brings me great joy to help others by sharing what I learnt and what helped me get well. The most valuable learning experience for me was not just WHAT TO DO, but also WHAT NOT TO DO in order to keep healthy, energized, and recover properly, especially after workouts and stressful seasons in life.

I believe that nutrition and exercise play an important role in our health,

but there is so much more involved in experiencing true wellness.

There are many things we can not control in life (such as the death of a loved one, accident, autism).

BUT we can control the way we live, eat, and react to events.

Most of the time, it is not what happens to us. But the way we chose to respond to what happens to us. It does NOT mean that it is easy to make good choices but it is definitely worth it.

We all have traumas, tragedies and hurts that happened to us. We all have been wounded, hurt, disappointed in our lives.

My prayer is that God will heal your heart and mind,

I pray that you will discover who God created you to be and that you step into your full potential.

"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." 3 John 1:2

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